EHSM - Occupational Health & Safety
Plinius EHSM (Environmental, Health & Safety Management) is an integral management oriented risk prevention solution; that helps you managing, auditing and continually improving your processes. It will help you to easily create prevention plans. It is intended for helping you to implement, get and keep OHSA 18001 certification.
Plinius EHSM has been developed using its own SDK(Plinius Studio). It is fully customizable to fit your needs. Plinius EHSM is a multilanguage solution. It currently supports English and Spanish. If you need to run Plinius EHSM in a different language, ask us about how to localize it.
Complete versioning system & workflow approval. Safety Policies, Training, Medical Protocols and Personal Protective Equipment. Assessment Management is a powerful and flexible process-oriented module. It manages places, equipment, products and processes risk assessments of your organization. You set a risk assessment for one place or area. And then assign it to all the affected workers. This dramatically saves your time and avoid you to duplicate information. Usage of standard risk assessment matrixes gives you the possibility to select the more appropriate method to evaluate each risk. You work with predefined FINE, Numeric FINE, 3x3 Binomial and 5x4 Binomial or even define your own matrix with Plinius Studio (Programming skills are required).
This allows you to follow up measures from risk assessments to all multiple needs of prevention in organizations: planning training to workers, inspections, observations and audits, correction actions derived from findings in accidents and incidents, manage agreements from security and health committees, etc...Import countermeasures from Assessments, Inspections and Incidents or create new task to be done. Notify your employees when a task has been assigned and keep track of all of it being notified when a task has been completed. Its approval workflow allows users to propose task. Get backward trazability to know where a task comes from.
Get notifications from your entire organization by enabling the Notification Module. Spread throughout all your employees by using Plinius Notify App. Transfer notifications to the appropriate module for further management.
Record, track, report and respond to incidents and accidents. Identify potential safety hazards and risks. Conduct accurate root-cause analysis to generate prevention strategies and implement preventative and corrective actions. Transfer corrective action to the Planning module for further follow-up. Download Plinius Notify App in order your employees can notify incidents and accidents directly from their mobile devices.
When your organization takes the decision to move forward managing the occupational health or even to audit or inspect your facilities and equipment, Inspections Management provides you a complete checklist template management system, and helps you planning your safety and maintenance inspections. It sends your checklists to your team in order to be completed on the field.
The inspections module is also available in Pay-Per-Use (Cloud) mode. In the following list you have some tutorial about usage of the Inspections Module.
Define your organization and its sites (facilities). Setup who will receive notifications when an issue comes up. Configure users, groups, and security and visibility accesses. Have a completed and detailed record of all the issues that affect your employees. Within the Employee's record you have details of his job risk assessment, incidents where he was involved, training, medical checkups, etc... Enable the Co-ordination among enterprises sub-module to track record of subcontractors and subcrontractors' employees.
Plinius EHSM provides system integration. Import legacy data and integrate with existing ERP and other management systems (e.g. SAP, Oracle, etc...). Use the API to easily integrate your corporate applications.
5M Methodology
The Assessment module uses the 5M Methodoly based on the Ishikawa diagram. It states that hazards come from:
- The different processes workers do,
- the places they work at,
- the equipment they use,
- the product, material or substances used,
- and finally from the workers themselves.

Nevertheless this, when an organization implement EHSM, there can be decided whether to use all 5 (five) or just the needed ones.
Plinius EHSM has been developed using its own SDK(Plinius Studio). It is fully customizable to fit your needs. Plinius EHSM is a multilanguage solution. It currently supports English and Spanish. If you need to run Plinius EHSM in a different language, ask us about how to localize it.
Assessment Management
Complete versioning system & workflow approval. Safety Policies, Training, Medical Protocols and Personal Protective Equipment. Assessment Management is a powerful and flexible process-oriented module. It manages places, equipment, products and processes risk assessments of your organization. You set a risk assessment for one place or area. And then assign it to all the affected workers. This dramatically saves your time and avoid you to duplicate information. Usage of standard risk assessment matrixes gives you the possibility to select the more appropriate method to evaluate each risk. You work with predefined FINE, Numeric FINE, 3x3 Binomial and 5x4 Binomial or even define your own matrix with Plinius Studio (Programming skills are required).
Planning Management
This allows you to follow up measures from risk assessments to all multiple needs of prevention in organizations: planning training to workers, inspections, observations and audits, correction actions derived from findings in accidents and incidents, manage agreements from security and health committees, etc...Import countermeasures from Assessments, Inspections and Incidents or create new task to be done. Notify your employees when a task has been assigned and keep track of all of it being notified when a task has been completed. Its approval workflow allows users to propose task. Get backward trazability to know where a task comes from.

Get notifications from your entire organization by enabling the Notification Module. Spread throughout all your employees by using Plinius Notify App. Transfer notifications to the appropriate module for further management.
Incident & Accident Management
Record, track, report and respond to incidents and accidents. Identify potential safety hazards and risks. Conduct accurate root-cause analysis to generate prevention strategies and implement preventative and corrective actions. Transfer corrective action to the Planning module for further follow-up. Download Plinius Notify App in order your employees can notify incidents and accidents directly from their mobile devices.
Inspection Management
When your organization takes the decision to move forward managing the occupational health or even to audit or inspect your facilities and equipment, Inspections Management provides you a complete checklist template management system, and helps you planning your safety and maintenance inspections. It sends your checklists to your team in order to be completed on the field.

How To...
- Define Your Organization
- Define Users
- Create an Inspection Template
- Save a Template
- Import a Template using an XLS File
- Create a Working Inspection
- Schedule a Recurring Inspection
- Assign an Inspection to a Responsible
- Set Ready to Send to Your Mobile Device
- Customize Your Company Logo